Welcome to the Kids's Healing Hub

Kid's need more resources for healing than ever before.

That is what the Kid's Healing Hub is all about: Connecting your child and family with better healing. Today's world is often filled with trauma and chaos, and our kids have to navigate through it all. The mental and emotional minefields they face can be debilitating.

So help your child find healing, strength and confidence by bringing physical healing to address their mental & emotional pain.

You can help your child thrive and build resilience despite the struggles they face.

Discovering Your Touch Language

We utilize touch all the time. We are wired for it, and it can be used as a pivotal tool in healing from trauma. But each of our brains interprets touch differently.

What feels safe? What builds connection? What drives connection away?

Learn your child's Touch Language to find greater connection and healing within your family today!

Elise Peterson, LMT & CPMT

As Massage Therapist, certified in Pediatric Massage, with a background in Social Work, I have helped hundreds of my clients find physical healing for the mental & emotional effects of trauma. Kids deserve better healing, and physical healing is often a resource not fully utilized. I am dedicated to finding and providing the resources kids need to face the challenges of today's world.